Friday, February 25, 2011

Thurs and Friday

I guess I forgot to post Thursday! I had a pretty rough day. Sleep and I did not get a long, and so, my Thursday workout suffered a bit. I ended up only running for 5 minutes (.5 miles, though!), and weight lifting for about 35. It was a decent workout, though I wish now I had pushed harder. I ended up eating a lot of crap. May have helped my emotional state, but I know that wasn't good for my health!

Today, I woke up anticipating going to Columbus, but I realized with all the snow, sleet, etc. that was coming out of the sky, I was staying home. Due to weather hazards, all programs at my gym were canceled, though the gym itself was still open. This mean that yet again, I missed a zumba class. Instead, I went to the gym with a friend/neighbor. I ran 3 miles on the track and then biked with him for about half an hour. I wonder how many calories I'm really burning when I run. NM tells me it's lower than my HRM says. Apparently, depending on how far I'm running and how fast, my BPM can get up to the high 170s. Peaked today at 183! Yikes! I'm not really sure if that's a good or bad thing! I tried to get in some "deep belly breaths," as Kim calls them, but I often have trouble breathing through my nose in the stuffy air of the rec center.

I had a balanced day of food so far, but tonight should be a smorgasborg of crazy foods because Dee is having a game night party at her place. Should be fun! I thought about bringing some of my many board games along, but I figured it'd be more fun to just play whatever they've got. :-)

I'll also need to shovel out my car today--yuck! All that snow!


1 comment:

  1. Board games night are the only way to survive grad school with your sanity in tact! I love them! Have fun tonight!!!
