Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another Sunday, Another Zumba

Today was another Zumba class! I had a good time, and I'm becoming better friends with Susan--a girl I know from a few things on campus. She comes to the Zumba classes that I go to, even when my other two friends who usually come aren't able to.

We set up in front of some mirrors and got ready! This Sunday class goes by a lot faster than the Friday class because the instructor takes less breaks. There were a few old favorites mixed in but no new routines. I felt a little silly with some of them because I had no clue how to replicate her moves, but it ended ok. :-) This instructor also only does 45 minutes of zumba and then 10 minutes of abs. I don't really like the ten minutes of abs because I know that I do abs when I lift. Zumba is supposed to be my hour of cardio!

Today was not the biggest calorie burn, though not the smallest. Roughly 640 cal/54 mins. I'm considering adding yoga into this to make sure I'm moving enough. I think that will also make sure that I keep up the yoga. I like my yoga class once a week, but I want to do it at home, too, so that I can keep my flexibility up (and the planks really work those abs!).

I'm not really noticing any weight or measurement change lately, but I can tell that my abs are getting stronger, so at least that's a plus. I am trying to lose this last 0.5 pound so I can win my weight loss challenge with Nikki, but if I don't, then I don't.

Here's to health, cardiovascular wellness, and lots of strong muscles!

Oh, did I also mention that I did 3 sets of 6 (regular!) push-ups yesterday? Getting stronger all the time....


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