Monday, February 21, 2011

Back to it

I was in DC (well, Fairfax) for most of the weekend. Got to Nikki's on Wed. night, drove down south on Thursday, saw the keynote that night, and spent the rest of the weekend down there. Ate a lot of breakfast buffets (thank goodness for giant plates of delightful blueberries!), several indulgences at the Cheesecake Factory, and a $13 martini (yikes! but delicious!). Oh yea, and Thai with Alysia and Brian. Did I mention Brian mixed me more margaritas than I can remember drinking?

What's the point of this rant about food?

I finally got to the gym this morning! And it was glorious! My iPod died as I was climbing the stairs, but I still had a good work out. Just the usual. Elliptical (shin pain still existent) and rolling hills on the bike. 1,000 cal/hr. Pretty wonderful :-) Feels good to get back to a routine after a stint in another world.

Not feeling like doing my other work, but I guess I don't have much of a story to tell about gyming today. I was, however, remembering when Megney used to gym together. And I really miss that.

I have some real problems with the mix of having gym friends and wanting to be by myself. I like to invite ppl to do things, but then I guess I end up pushing them away. I haven't been able to really settle into this or find something that I really love. I love my bike and I love spinning. I'm still considering becoming a spin instructor in the future, but I guess I'm in a rut and would like to break out of it.

I wish somewhere around here did bikram yoga. I wish I didn't live in a shitty apartment so that I could build a home gym and do some other fun things. But no. Starting to feel cabin fever. I've lived in this place for three full years. I want to move somewhere that's sunny and warm where I can bike all day and come home to a complete gym in my basement.

Somewhere sunny, with rolling hills.


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