Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crazy Busy, Beautifully Quiet

Well, the school was closed yesterday, so I imagined the rec center would be too. However, I was wrong! I was able to show up with my friend who happens to live in my apartment building. We got there a little after 2:30pm, and the place was a zoo! I had already done 30 minutes of power yoga at home, so I decided to just run one mile and then lift.

That was possibly the most painful mile I've ever run at the rec. There were people ALL OVER the track. It was literally running in a pack. I couldn't pass anyone, I couldn't get around anyone. I ended up having to keep pace with some slow going joggers because there was literally no way around them. I thought at one point that I was going to run them over!

But I held my temper and finally said enough was enough! Headed to the circuit training area to get some lifting in. As it turns out, that was also a painful mistake! I have never seen that space so jam-packed. I found a little room to do my thing, and had some chick repeatedly run into my 20lb. bar. I was quite aggravated. She could see me lifting, and somehow she ran into my bar and messed up several of my sets. Other people kept walking in front of my when I was trying to do lunges. Walk around! Don't skip in front!

Ugh, what a disaster.

Today, the campus was closed again, but I realized the rec would be open earlier, so the same friend and I headed to the gym at 10am. Thank goodness! The place was nearly deserted and very quiet. I got a treadmill for a really great 30 minutes, 3 mile run (thankfully, because the track has been killing my shins! I need some serious shock absorbency!). Then, I biked for 20 minutes. I figured that the spin class I normally take on Wednesday nights was canceled, so I wanted to get some biking in if I could. I got on a recumbent bike (those are mildly uncomfortable for me to ride in, but it was the only open bike), and set it for "random hills." Close enough to spinning with the random hills, but about a quarter of the time. It's alright, though, because I still got to bike on some excellent rolling hills! Great morning!

I got in a really great workout, had plenty of mental space, and I fell really wonderful about life right now.

I've got a lot on my To-Do list today, but knowing I already had a great workout makes that a lot easier to deal with. I'm also looking forward to tea and yoga with another neighbor later tonight.

What a lovely day to have all to myself! Thank goodness for treadmills and lazy people who don't want to wake up early!


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