Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Routine Rut

Didn't sleep well, didn't get up early enough. Did have a nice run today, at high speeds, though only for 10 minutes. Felt good nonetheless!

Getting in my lifting....didn't have enough time to do everything I wanted to do. Basic arms and upper body. I'm trying to add more lower body stuff in, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. Maybe I need to add in more squats or, heaven forbid!, lunges.

I did some standing in place lunges today in addition to a few curtsy lunges (one set of each, on each leg). About the same output as regular front and reverse lunges? I'm not sure. I like them better, and I think I can figure out if I'm going beyond my toes easier, so I may stick with them for a while. I'd like to start doing more with the hamstrings....what to do? This is my last week of only stability ball abs, though. I've decided to up the ante and combine two of the different sets Oxygen recommends. We'll see if I can get any satisfaction out of doing both routines.

I'm a little bummed about the fluctuation. I know all of the unhealthy eating is keeping me from meeting my goals, but I can't seem to stop. Perhaps it's the winter, but I'm having some crazy ups and downs in terms of feeling ok. And I'm sleepy.

I need a more regular sleep schedule. And I need to get back to my yoga before bed and yoga in the morning. I guess that means I need to clean my apartment. Maybe after my fellowship application gets written.

Then, I can add yoga back in more regularly. More planks probably couldn't hurt, either.


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