Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tues/Thurs Woes

I have some trouble getting out of bed in the morning. I am often not very aware of the time that I have available to me, either. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, this is a problem. I start work at 9am on T/Th, so in order to gym before hand, I need to be there....well, early. I haven't figured out how early just yet. I got to the gym last week later than this week, but it still wasn't early enough.

I like to run and lift on T/Th. That's about 30 mins cardio and 30-60 mins lifting (depending on how much time I have left!). I've had to cut short both activities for the past two weeks--limiting my run to just one mile (10 mins, then a 2 min cool down slow walk), and my lifting has slipped to about 35 mins. This allowed me to do two sets of all my main exercises, but I'd like to start adding things in rather than speeding up and taking sets out!

I'm hoping to get to the gym by 7:15 on Thursday morning. That means I'll need to be awake probably by 6:15. Yuck! Well, we'll see what happens, and I'll let you know.

Later today is spinning, so I'll probably give you an update about that soon! Suffice it to say, I did get a decent workout at the gym yesterday, but it wasn't as wonderful as I would have liked it to be. I want that cardio to be at least 2 miles, and the weights to be a little better. However, I'm getting stronger already. The extra pounds I'm lifting are getting doable, and yesterday I was able to do 2 sets of 8 push-ups in a row. I think I'd be extra strong if I got up to 20 push ups in a row, don't you?


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