Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday's spin class was a lot of fun! We didn't get started right away, so I only got in about 45 minutes of actual working out, but that was actually pretty ok by me. I made a conscious effort to watch my heart rate monitor and push myself. I burned about 640 calories in that 45 minutes, so I think I did ok! I'm trying to boost that calorie burn up a little bit higher, though.

The class was fun with some heavy riding--riding at 8, 8.5  level of difficulty for some songs! And the songs were really great. Kim had an interesting mix of hardcore, punk pop, and R&B. Very cool! Really helped push me to have some serious music to listen to.

I've been throwing around the idea of becoming a spin instructor in the future--maybe the next place that I live. I really enjoy the class, and I would love to keep taking spin. However, I'm considering a themed course--lots of hills and jumps coupled with hardcore music. By hardcore, I mean hardcore alternative (not hardcore indie or something like that). I'm think Disturbed, NIN, Metallica, SpitFire, SlipKnot, and some more mild stuff like SR-71 and the like. I think these bands have the ability to really pump up your blood and turn you on to the difficult ride, push you through it! That's my tentative plan: a hardcore-inspired spin class.

Then this morning, I went to the gym and got there a little bit early. I ran my normal 10 minute mile before lifting, and I actually got in a good 45 minutes of lifting! Still at the 2 sets of 8 push ups, and I'm thinking I need to go up on my deadlifts and bent row weights, so we'll see. I've added in a new challenge to my first set of basic squats--a side leg raise. I'm thinking it will help whittle down the saddlebags and hips (I hope!).

Eventually, I'd like to work on lengthening my Saturday training so that I get in a lot more leg work. I think it'd be good for me. Otherwise, feel pretty great about today's gym session. I'd like to go up on my tricep weights soon, but I just don't know if I can.

I'm also noticing a little more definition in my abs. They probably won't ever be ultimate abs the way I want them to be, but I think the routine I'm doing is helping. I actually have muscle definition! Not the super-toned definition I'd like, but it's more than I can ever remember having in the past. My goal for next week is to add more yoga into my routine. Hopefully all those planks will help those muscles get there a little bit faster. We shall see!

Now, it's off to Ann Arbor for an extended anniversary weekend. I won't be working out much--maybe some yoga here and there, but don't expect many posts!


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