Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Morning, Monday Morning

Last night, a friend invited me to the tough spin class for tonight, but I'm going out for coffee with another friend. I went to the gym this morning, instead, though I think next week I'll do the spinning class on Monday.

Got to the gym a little later than intended, but not a problem. I walked the track once (1/6th of a mile), and then hopped on an elliptical. I'm trying to give my shins a rest while still doing high impact cardio. I elliptical-ed for 30 minutes and did some intense intervals while working on it. I've heard recently that peaking your heart rate can help you burn more calories, so I am trying to add in some intervals here and there.

Finished up and walked the track again, then hopped on a bike and set the program for random hills, level 5. This seemed a bit too easy at first, and for about 15 minutes, my heart rate didn't get above 133. I figured that was ok, though, and kept going. A nice, elder woman sat on the bike next to me, and I just had to comment on her adorable Valentine's Day heart vest. Very cute! We struck up a conversation, and before I knew it, I had been riding for 25 minutes and my heart rate was up to 150+! She finished her workout, and I focused my attention, pedaling fast and hard for the last 5 minutes.

I cooled down for 2 minutes, then walked to the water fountain and stopped the HRM. 1hr 6 minutes and 898 calories burned! Holy Batman! I'm not sure that I can trust 898, but I sure do feel hungry right now. I didn't bring much for lunch today, as I wasn't really thinking. I did have an apple and a piece of chocolate. Now, I'm about to heat up my veggie burger. Around 5:30pm I'm doing coffee with a friend, and will hope to be home and making dinner by 7:00pm: a healthy green dinner of whole grain pasta, peas, broccoli, diced tomatoes, and parmesan cheese. For snacks tonight, I can have special valentine's day cupcakes and then frozen blueberries with peanut butter. YUM! I might even have something else....I'm not sure what, though. I'll still have about 300 calories of discretionary calories to eat, so we'll see!

What a great day at the gym, though! The chat was nice. I wouldn't like to do it every day, but once in a while is really fine. :-)


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