Monday, January 31, 2011

The long weekend

Well, my boyfriend came to visit for the weekend, but I am the best girlfriend ever because I bought him a guest membership to my gym! That's right, we went to the gym together! While I zumba-ed, ran, and yoga-ed, he ran and lifted and walked. It was a great time!

Spending time with him, though, is the reason I haven't been posting here! So here's mini-update for today, and I promise that I'll be better about posting this week.

Today, I wasn't sure I was going to go to the gym. I really felt like I needed a rest day, but I don't like to miss a day at the gym.

I ended up not making it to the gym in time for spinning; instead, I decided to run the track. I had planned on 3 miles, but only made it 1.3m (in 11 mins, yay!) before my shins started to hurt very badly. I've been dealing with shin splints for years now, but have persevered. Today, it was just too much. I ended up running just that bit, spent 10 minutes in the sauna, and then went home. I didn't feel like I really worked myself, so I decided to do a little more working out at home. I got home, popped in The FIRM Yoga, and got to work. It's possibly my favorite at home workout video, and it always makes me feel good about life!

It turned around my mood and got me moving. I also realized that my body must be getting stronger and more efficient at working because what used to be a 250+ calorie burn was only a 190 calorie burn today! That made me a little sad because I wanted to eat a lot for dinner. On the other hand, it makes me really happy because my body is getting much better at this!

Tomorrow is my day for a run and lifting. I don't know if I'll get to the gym in the morning or the evening, but I will get there!

And hopefully, my shins won't hurt me. 3+ miles is the goal!

~Court :-)

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