Monday, January 24, 2011

Spinning: The Tough Teacher

Last night, a friend asked mine if I would join him for a Monday night spinning class. Typically, we see each other at the Wednesday night spinning class, with my favorite instructor, Kim. I've taken classes with several other instructors (Brenda, Tom, and Bree), and liked them all ok, but I really feel I connect with Kim. She's got my kind of personality.

So my spinning friend gives me this challenge: come to the extra-tough spin class on Monday night with me. If you don't come, you're a chicken!

I show up, and see him waiting for the classroom to be opened: "Hey, you made it!"

"You didn't think I'd back down from a challenge, did you?"

We set our bikes up in the center row, towards the far side of the classroom, and I tell him, "If I die, I'm blaming you. I'm not blaming me!"

We chat for a while as we warm up and wait for the instructor. Then, there he is. The notorious Jerry. I've heard this guy has the spinning logo tattooed somewhere on his body. He looks a little older (awesome white hair!), but he's in great shape. I'm instantly jealous. Then, we get right into it.

There's no warm up. There's jumps. Jump. Jump. Jump. These jumps are fast and not at all the way Kim does jumps, in nice even counts of 8s, 4s, and 2s. These are in-the-saddle-out-of-the-saddle, quick as you can! Not awesome for a chesty lady like myself (hey, I'm pretty fit, but I've got some rockin' curves), but I survive them.

The rest of the class passes in a blur of sprints and climbs--first position, running on the hill, 3rd position climbing, in the saddle sprinting. We sprint for full minutes at a time--I'm not kidding, folks! About one sprint in and I realize, as I'm sweating everywhere, that I forgot to take my makeup off before class. I'm horribly worried I am streaming black and look like a zombie-emo-gym-rat, but I keep pushing.

Jerry turns out to be pretty awesome, though he tricks me on several occasions: "One more gear! Push it! This is it! Ok, now turn it up again! One more! One more!" I start to disbelieve him, and I think, "I know 'one more' is a lie--there are like ten more!"

I have never ever been so drippy during a spin class in all my life. At the end of the day, I cash in a 942 cal. bank check. The last song is tough, but I recover quick enough. My heart rate is ok as I settle into some runner's stretches and a nice pigeon-pose (my favorite yoga pose).

I leave the gym feeling totally awesome, ready to take on the world. I step out into the snow and think about how spinning must be God's gift to Northeast Ohio, seeing as how it's snowing and icy. I'd probably die fairly quickly if I tried to actually bike in this weather, but spinning satisfies the need to be on a bike (for now). As I'm walking through the slowly moving flakes, I think about how much fun it'd be to go ice skating right then and there! The ride has given me lots of energy and a new exuberance for moving.

I'm already ready for my Tuesday morning run and lifting session.

Jerry, though tough, is a teacher I'd like to work with again.

~Court :-)

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