Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling Strong!

Today I upped my run. I only upped it by one lap, though. I am a huge wuss--I don't like to run outside in the cold, and anyway I'd probably slip on slush and kill myself (I'm currently living in Northeast Ohio). Therefore, I run in the gym--usually around the indoor track. Treadmills are ok and good when I need a quick work out or an incline, but I prefer the track.

I did my normal warm-up walk lap and then started running! I thought, "Today, you can run 3 and a half miles!" but after my spinning yesterday, I decided that wasn't going to happen (man, my calves were aching!). I focused on the 18 laps that I needed for 3 miles, and actually felt pretty amazing.

Towards the end of the run, probably lap 14 or so, I had a great burst of energy thanks in part to my iPod (Guster with Barrel of a Gun came on). I felt like going faster all of a sudden! I got to lap 18 and said to myself, "Ok, Court, this isn't the last one! You're going to run one more!"

I picked up the pace just a little bit, and half way through that last lap I pushed and went for an all-out sprint. Finished 3.16 miles in 29 minutes and 56 seconds. It felt pretty wonderful!

Then I moved to the abs and stretching area near the track to work on my abs. I'm testing an Oxygen ab routine. They tell me it's "5 weeks to your sexiest abs!" Well, we'll see. This is week 2 (just the start), and I don't think they look sexy yet...I moved to the advanced movements this week. Well, three of them. One is a very difficult move, and I just don't have the balance to pull it off. I did five of them, and then moved back to the "beginner" move for 15 more reps. Not bad. I'm working on it, I promise!

Moved down to the circuit training area. This is my power zone. I don't do the circuits or use the circuit machines, but there are free weights and a few barbells that I use to do my weight training. I incorporated Biking Barry's advice on using negative training today, and my muscles could really feel the burn! I have a pretty basic routine that consists of a slew of exercises. I do this 3x per week and usually spend about 45 minutes on it. Minimal rests in between sets, and I try to change it up just a little bit each time I do it so my muscles don't get tired or bored. I moved up in weights for some of the exercises, but not all. In another week or two, I'll be moving up.

I felt pretty great while lifting, and I felt healthy. At the end of the workout, as I walked out of the gym, I thought about maybe I should have run more or done something else, but I ended up just coming home to do some errands. I have lots of cooking, cleaning, and writing to do today--and am picking a friend up from the airport later tonight--so I'm glad I got in such a fun workout this morning! It put my whole day in perspective, and I burned almost 700 calories!

Great workout, and my muscles aren't sore from spinning last night! I love to keep pushing myself like this, and I hope I stay this healthy for the rest of my life! I feel so lucky that I have been blessed with motivation, hope, and the energy to maintain my healthy lifestyle.


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