Sunday, April 6, 2014

Been a while

I have not posted in a very long time. I will start using the blog again, I hope, by posting about all my exercise!

Today, I walked outside for an hour while chatting with my mom. I also did my April "kick ass" challenge, which I'm doing with a friend. It includes squats, followed by burpees, followed by wall sits.

I am trying to reinvigorate myself with my interest in health. The truth is, all of my pants are a little tight, and I'm worried I might not fit easily into the bridesmaid dress I will be wearing for one of my best friend's weddings this summer (July 12).

So? So, I have some goals. Mostly, they involve body measurements. I want to be down to a 28" waist by July 1, 2014. Right now, I am at 29.25". That's 1.25" I need to decrease in 3 months. I KNOW I can do it, but it's going to take some attention.

Today was a splurge day. Tomorrow, I get real. I have bumped up my fitbit step count to 12,000/day so I will feel guilty if I don't at least get that many in. If I'm going to lose the inch, I need to be more active.


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