Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Gluttony and the Track to Being Better

I haven't written here in a long time, but I needed to think through my life in terms of moving forward with my health and my goals. Since this is a health blog, no reason not to post it here.

I'm a practicing Roman Catholic, and that means the Lenten season is upon me. I have been soul searching a bit. I have found that I am a glutton regarding both food and money. I spend both my calorie and wallet budget over and above most weeks. That needs to stop.

I have been thinking on what I can do better in my life, and what God can help me do better. I am going to practice self-restraint throughout Lent by:
1. Eating under weight loss calories daily throughout the season.
2. Fasting once per week.
3. Eating no chocolate except my shakeology.
4. Giving myself a $50 weekly budget for outtings and coffee and no more. This is an attempt to help me curb my spending.

What I don't spend can either get put into savings or held onto for the next month. This should help me to build up my check book, my savings, and my abilities to say no to added purchases that I don't need.

Frankly, I need to be better at self-restraint, and God gave us Lent for a reason.